Introducing FapFap - Our new community (2022-08-04)
BETA LAUNCH: We're super excited to announce our brand new community FapFap!
Our new FapFap logo.

Over the last few weeks we've seen the old Gloryhole community take an enormous amount of strain and as such we've had to take it down to avoid slow page loads, server timeouts and additional server costs.

This "blackout" has forced us to redirect all traffic to our Adult Shop while we worked behind the scenes to fast-track a beta launch of our new community - FapFap.

Although the new FapFap community still needs a lot of work, we figured a beta community is better than no community.

Existing Gloryhole members have all been migrated and will be able to login to FapFap with the email address they used on Gloryhole.
You will need to reset your password by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" link.

You may need to check your spam as the domain is pretty new. We're working on making this better.

Existing users logging in for the first time.

Once your password has been reset and your account verified, you can login, complete your new community profile and start interacting on the new FapFap community.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta launch of FapFap. It is not the prettiest and will have some bugs. We ask that you please report these to us via email:

Here is a list of new features we've worked on:
Full member profiles - now required for all members
Profile photos
- Photo galleries
- Posts now have tags (ie. hookup, chat, cruising etc - for future filtering)
- Posts now have galleries
- React to posts: 🔥 🍆 💦 🤤 ❤️ 🌈 🙂

Future updates we'll be rolling out:
Private & Group Messaging
- Find and view members in your area
- Filter posts by location, tags or activity
- Shop integration with Wishlist and Action Shots

Again, please note this a beta launch and we are working on improvements.

We hope you will enjoy the new FapFap community. 

As always, we'd appreciate any feedback, suggestions or comments you may have to help us deliver a better community.   

We thank you for your patience and support. 

Play safe, take care 😉
